My Story and why i show up to serve you

“For those of you who have been following me since last December, you know that I have been speaking to singles about relationships. While everything that I have spoken about relates to my message, I have done some reflection and realized that I desire to go deeper with you and share my core message, which is still for singles, but is not only for singles; It is for ALL individuals who resonate with my message-my core message of “returning HOME to Self” and embracing your authentic self! (which happens to lead to other benefits as a bonus).

This message is near and dear to my heart and emanates from a true place in my own life. There was a point in time where I lost touch with my regal consciousness, I went off of my path and went away from “home”. 

Even more so, as I thought about what I really wanted to share with you all, I was reminded of why I carry the message that I carry (which I am now finally sharing). God gave me this message to steward and carry as a beacon of light to help others find their way back home.

My story is a story of how I went from being my unique and bold self to allowing someone else to persuade me to minimize myself to the point of such smallness. I lost touch with my regal consciousness. I lost sight of loving myself. I shrunk myself down in order to make others feel more comfortable or for them to feel better about themselves because they felt I was “doing too much”. I was tired of being rejected because I was always different and always misunderstood. So I shrunk back and allowed others to further shrink me. I stopped shining brightly. I stopped pursuing my path of greatness which I felt called to on the inside. I stopped showing up for “me”. I gave over the pen to others and allowed them to write my story and “standards”.

I minimized myself to the point where I forgot what God put inside of me. I forgot about my genius. I forgot about my brilliance. I placed myself on hold while I helped to build someone else's dream who told me my dreams weren't good enough or that my dreams were “inferior” to theirs.

I filled my home with so many other people and their thoughts and priorities that I pushed myself out of my own home, as I found myself outside of home, wandering around like a vagabond, searching for acceptance and validation from others! I left my inner home vacant.

This has been a journey of me returning home and taking up space within my own home and as a result, in my own LIFE!

I WENT BACK FOR MYSELF. You see, I had bought the narrative of others and I rejected those parts of myself and hid them altogether. Eventually, I shrunk back my full authentic self and hid in a cave. I was at a standstill, as I lived vicariously through the lives of others because I lost the courage to live out loud in my own life! Oh, but I went back for all the hidden and missing pieces of myself that I allowed others to convince me we're not “good enough” or were “too much” or were too “different or weird”. I went back for those parts of myself that were misunderstood and those parts of myself that I forgot were there.  I FOUND MYSELF AGAIN. I found my voice again. I came out of the cave and decided to live out loud with my boldness and brilliance as my ORIGINAL MOST AUTHENTIC SELF, oh the benefits!

 Now it is my heart and mission to help you do the same in your own journey back to your own home., so that you can be confident, so that you can boldly show up as your original authentic self and attract who and what is for you, and so that you can live the live you want as the most powerful version that God made you to be in your regal essence.”


today’s affirmations